Coordination Meeting on Stability of Food Supply and Prices in Tual City - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tual Municipality

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Coordination Meeting on Stability of Food Supply and Prices in Tual City

Coordination Meeting on Stability of Food Supply and Prices in Tual City

November 30, 2023 | Other Activities

In the context of synergy controlling inflation in Tual City, the Tual City Government held a Food Supply and Price Stability Coordination Meeting which took place in the Tual Mayor's Office Hall (30/11/2023).
The coordination meeting was opened by Acting Mayor Hi. A. Yani. Renuat, S. Sos, M. Si, MH. This activity was attended by Plh. Tual City Regional Secretary, Rini Atbar, SH, MH, Head of Perum Bulog Maluku and North Maluku Regional Offices, Head of the Maluku Province Food Security Service, Expert Staff for Community Development and Economics in Tual City, Assistant for Economic and Regional Development in Tual City, City Inflation Control Team Tual, Our Food House Agent (RPK) SPHP Tual City and Food Distribution Facilitation Partner (FDP) Tual City.
By presenting 3 speakers, including the Head of Perum Bulog Maluku and North Maluku Regional Offices, the Head of BPS Tual City and the Assistant for Economic and Regional Development for Tual City.
Head of BPS Tual City, Richard P. Thenu, in his presentation presented a topic related to the Role of BPS in Tual City Inflation through Stability of Food Supply and Prices. Carrying out BPS's vision as a provider of quality statistical data for advanced Indonesia, Thenu explained that BPS provides Consumer Price Index (Inflation) data for use by the Government/Relevant Stakeholders. Where this data is used to determine current conditions, observe current prices and price movements and take policies related to social and economic stability.
On the next occasion, the Head of Perum Bulog, Maluku and North Maluku Regional Office, Chaerul Mazhar, said that Bulog in principle supports the synergy of efforts to control inflation through several tools, including SPHP. Bulog continues to maintain price stability, especially staple food prices, including increasing the distribution of rice SPHP at the consumer level in larger quantities and with greater retail reach, both in traditional markets, retailers around the market and other locations that are easily accessible to the public. public. Bulog has prepared rice stocks to meet community needs until early 2024.
Furthermore, from the Tual City Government itself, the Assistant for Economic Affairs and Regional Development for Tual City said that synergy and collaboration of all parties is an important thing to do in order to maintain people's purchasing power.
"Control inflation by maintaining price stability of basic necessities in the market"
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