To obtain BPS data, please visit BPS Tual City, BTN Un Indah Street, Kel. Lodar El, Besides MR.DIY every working day Monday-Friday at 09.00-15.00 WIT.
BPS Kota Tual has released the publication of Tual Municipality in Figures 2024, for full details, click on the following link or AllStat BPS apps
Clash of Tual City BPS Co-Workers
July 8, 2024 | Other Activities
Congratulations to Idho Najibullah Yogi Sutopo, SST as the first best team leader in the second quarter with 98.88 points and congratulations to Adi Habibi Harahap, S.Tr.Stat as the first best employee in the second quarter with 98.18 points