To obtain BPS data, please visit BPS Tual City, BTN Un Indah Street, Kel. Lodar El, Besides MR.DIY every working day Monday-Friday at 09.00-15.00 WIT.
BPS Kota Tual has released the publication of Tual Municipality in Figures 2024, for full details, click on the following link or AllStat BPS apps
SERUTI Officer Briefing Quarter IV 2024
November 7, 2024 | BPS Activities
(7/11/24) BPS Tual City held an intensive briefing for Quarterly Household Economic Survey (SERUTI) officers for the fourth quarter of 2024. In this session, one teacher, six survey officers, and one committee member gathered enthusiastically to prepare a survey that is crucial for mapping the economic conditions of households in this area.
Seruti has an important role in collecting Household Consumption Expenditure data, which is one of the main indicators in calculating Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP).
The officers are equipped with a deep understanding so that they can carry out field duties effectively, producing relevant and useful data. With this collective effort, BPS Tual City is committed to continuing to support regional economic growth through accurate and reliable data.
So, if there are any Tual City residents who are respondents, please accept our officers and answer according to the actual situation, okay!